It has become somewhat common practice to sign a prenuptial agreement. Not everyone signs one, but almost everyone has heard of one. However, even though a prenup can have a serious impact on your financial future, some people sign it without truly wanting to. Maybe their future in-laws gave them an ultimatum to pressure them into signing it. Perhaps they lacked the knowledge to fully understand that they were signing a document their spouse’s family lawyer drew up that unfairly represented the spouse’s interests.
If you signed a prenup that you did not want to, it might not have
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4 Tips for an Amicable Divorce in Illinois
There is no arguing that a divorce can sometimes seem like one enormous, horrible fight that hurts not only the spouses involved but also their children. But some couples can feel they should not be married and still want to avoid hurting each other. Once the divorce is finalized, parents still need to be involved in each other’s lives as they continue to raise their children, and that can be extremely challenging following a high-conflict divorce. When two people share the understanding that they can work together instead of against each other so that each can leave with a…
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Parental Abduction and Custody in Illinois
Parents going through a divorce often fight when both want the most time with their children. Bitter custody battles can be a painful experience, but it can become even more traumatic if one parent decides to take impulsive action. In Illinois, if a parent violates the visitation schedule, they can be charged for parental abduction. If your child’s other parent might try to take them away from you, speak with a skilled Kane County, IL child custody attorney to hear your options.
How Does Illinois Handle Parental Kidnapping?
Illinois courts prefer granting both parents some amount of visitation and parental…
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Celebrating Child Support Awareness Month in Illinois
This month, Illinois is marking Child Support Awareness Month by celebrating some newly launched initiatives aimed at helping parents and children across the state. By bringing attention to new efforts and improvements in how child support is handled, this awareness month places special focus on a legal issue that affects so many people. Child support can be an essential lifeline to parents after divorce by ensuring their financial ability to raise their children. If you have questions about child support, speak with a qualified Kane County, IL divorce lawyer to learn more.
New Child Support Initiatives in Illinois
With child …
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Can Grandparents Get Custody in Illinois?
We are all familiar with that image of the family that has made it and accomplished the American dream: a mom and dad with a few kids playing happily in the front yard of their home with its white picket fence. Unfortunately, the reality for many people is quite different. Raising children can be challenging, and making a decent living to provide them with a safe and healthy environment can be very hard. If someone becomes a parent while struggling with issues like addiction, mental health conditions, or financial instability, they might find that they are unable to focus on…
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Domestic Violence Deaths on the Rise in Illinois
According to various reports, domestic violence deaths increased in Illinois by 110% in the year 2023. This troubling fact highlights the need for serious legal protection and support for victims. This is a real issue affecting families and communities and it needs real responses. This article will explain some legal measures that are already in place to help victims of domestic violence. If you are a victim and need legal advice, speak with a knowledgeable and compassionate St. Charles, IL family law attorney who can guide you at this difficult time.
Restraining Orders to Combat Domestic Violence
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New Law for Parents of Child Influencers in Illinois
More and more kids are creating their own social media platforms and content channels and are gaining their own followings. These child influencers often appear in videos, pictures, or live streams and tend to include child-related topics like product and food reviews, vacation diaries, and daily life vlogs. If you are a parent of a child influencer in Illinois, there are laws you should know about that can affect you and your child. If you have questions about issues like privacy, income, and working hours for young social media stars, speak with a knowledgeable Kane County, IL family law attorney…
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Can I Homeschool My Child After an Illinois Divorce?
Homeschooling, once a fringe alternative to public and private schools, has become the fastest-growing form of education in the United States. At least five million K-12 children in the U.S., or 11.1 percent, are educated at home. Homeschooling has exploded since the pandemic, particularly among minorities.
However, there are still plenty of parents who feel homeschooling is not the right move for their child. Home education can thus become a thorny disagreement for divorced parents who have opposing views on the subject. Ultimately, the decision will depend on how the parental responsibilities are divided, which this article will discuss.
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What Behaviors Are Normal for a Child After Divorce?
Going through a divorce and adjusting to life afterward is usually challenging for both spouses. While you may seek support for yourself, it is important to remember that the divorce process can have even more difficult effects on your minor children. A child’s emotional confusion and turmoil is often expressed through changes in behavior.
Understanding the underlying causes of these behavioral issues can help you address them more effectively. Co-parents need to be consistent to increase their chances of successfully dealing with and eliminating their child’s unhealthy behaviors. The right Kane County, IL child custody lawyer can help you draft…
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Pros and Cons of Collaborative Divorce in Illinois
When people think of the divorce process, they often imagine arguing their case before a judge. This is called litigation, and it is considered a traditional way to dissolve a marriage. It is also, however, considered a last resort. A court battle between two divorcing parties can be extremely costly and time-consuming, which may be why only five percent of divorces end up in litigation.
Most divorces are settled out of court in a process called alternative dispute resolution. There are two main types of alternative dispute resolution used for divorce settlements:
- Mediation
- Collaborative divorce
While mediation is more common,…
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How Does No-Fault Divorce Impact Property Division?
Up until January 1, 2016, you needed a good reason to get divorced in Illinois. You had to show the court that either you or your spouse was at fault for causing the divorce by engaging in certain behaviors like adultery, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, mental or physical cruelty, abandonment, and more.
But since 2016, Illinois has been a no-fault divorce state. This means that the law does not blame either spouse for causing the divorce, and you no longer need to show a court that one of the parties destroyed the marriage. All you need to tell a court…
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How Can I Get My Marriage Annulled in Illinois?
Divorce is a complex legal process. Without the right Illinois divorce attorney, it can be utterly overwhelming. Some spouses therefore look for ways around divorce, such as other legal procedures that may allow them to avoid the headache of the divorce process. Mistakenly, some think that annulment is a simpler alternative to divorce. However, this is usually not the case.
Whereas divorce ends the marriage, an annulment makes it so that the marriage never existed. This is done in cases where the marriage is illegal or illegitimate to begin with. This article will discuss when a marriage can be…
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3 Tips for Getting Divorced in the Digital Age
Digital technology influences almost all aspects of our lives. People manage their finances, accomplish everyday tasks, and conduct relationships over their digital devices. Sometimes, digital technology can even end a marriage. More than one divorce has been triggered by a spouse discovering intimate messages from his or her significant other to an illicit lover.
The divorce process is also impacted by technology. In this article, we will discuss three tips for getting divorced in the digital age. It is always best to speak with an Illinois divorce attorney about how you can use technology to your benefit in a divorce.
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4 Ways to Speed Up the Divorce Process in Illinois
Getting divorced can be an emotionally and financially draining process. The more it drags out, the more difficult and expensive it can get. Unfortunately, many couples find themselves embroiled in hostile, drawn-out divorce proceedings. Sometimes, this is for valid reasons, like if complex assets need to be divided. Other times, however, the extra time can be avoided.
One way couples can shorten the divorce process is by hiring a competent Illinois divorce attorney. A lawyer with experience can help prevent some of the pitfalls that lengthen the divorce proceedings.
Here are four ways to speed up the divorce process.
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What Happens to Student Loans in an Illinois Divorce?
Student debt has received significant media attention in recent months due to the political debate over student loan forgiveness. More than 40 million Americans owe student debt, which is about 13 percent of the United States population. Together, they owe about $1.60 million in federal student loans, which breaks down to about $55,347 for the average American household.
It is common for married people to have student loans. But what happens to those loans in a divorce? Is it divided like other debts?
To understand what happens to student debt in an Illinois divorce, it is first important to…
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When a Spouse Lies About Income to Avoid Paying Alimony
Alimony, also known as spousal support or spousal maintenance, is a tool used to help spouses get financial support after a divorce. If one partner was a stay-at-home parent, for example, a judge will often order the other partner to pay that parent alimony for a period of time. Details of that order — such as how much time, how many payments, and how much alimony — are based on several factors. These include the needs and incomes of both parents.
Sometimes, spouses try to lie about their income to avoid paying alimony or to minimize the amount of…
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