Illinois Nurse Practitioner License Defense Lawyer

Originally published: August 25, 2021 — Update: May 16, 2023

Update: In addition to the issues described below, nurse practitioners may need to be aware of how they may be affected by issues related to prescribing medications for patients. While nurse practitioners may have prescriptive authority, they will need to meet certain requirements. In some cases, nurse practitioners who prescribe controlled substances may face investigations by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Failure to follow the correct procedures could lead to a loss of a nurse practitioner’s controlled substance registration, limiting their ability to prescribe drugs and also impacting their nursing license and other aspects of their career.

In general, nurse practitioners will be allowed to prescribe medications if they are given the authority to do so by a collaborating physician. This authority may extend to writing prescriptions for drugs that the Illinois Controlled Substances Act has grouped in Schedule II, III, IV, or V. However, the use of these drugs must be within the scope of the doctor’s practice, and the nurse practitioner must have the necessary training to prescribe and dispense controlled substances appropriately. For Schedule II controlled substances, a nurse practitioner will be limited to prescribing a 30-day supply.

There are a variety of issues that could lead to DEA investigations and issues that could affect a nurse practitioner’s license to prescribe controlled substances. Accusations of drug diversion may be related to prescriptions that may have been written for reasons other than valid medical purposes, prescriptions that were issued without fully examining a patient, or failure to properly monitor patients and address signs of drug abuse. If the DEA takes action to suspend or revoke a controlled substance registration, this could also lead to discipline to a nurse practitioner’s license, as well as other consequences that may affect their practice.

Contact Our Illinois Nurse Practitioner License Defense Lawyer

For nurse practitioners and other medical professionals, the ability to maintain a valid medical license is crucial, and many nurse practitioners also need to be able to write prescriptions for controlled substances and other medications. At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, LLC, we work with medical providers to address claims that they have violated the laws related to controlled substances, and we can help defend against the loss of a DEA registration or medical license. Contact our Illinois nursing license defense attorney at 630-310-1267 to set up a free consultation.

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