The United States is a notoriously litigious society, and despite the crucial work that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers do, they are at constant risk of lawsuits and investigations. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation is frequently involved in these cases and their investigations can be ruthless and invasive. Those being investigated are frequently left wondering if they will have to defend themselves against baseless allegations with only their own testimony to assist them. Fortunately, expert witnesses may be able to help. Attorney Joseph Bogdan regularly serves as an expert witness for pharmacists being investigated by IDFPR, and can serve as a witness for a variety of other medical professionals as well. If you are being investigated, do not take chances with your professional license and reputation. Read on to learn more.
What Does an Expert Witness in an IDFPR Investigation Do?
Expert witnesses in court cases of any kind review the evidence in the case and provide a professional opinion intended to support the perspective of the defendant. In an IDFPR investigation, an IDFPR prosecutor will pursue a complaint against a medical provider on behalf of IDFPR before an administrative judge. A discovery period will follow that can include witnesses that testify as to the facts of the case, as well as expert witnesses that provide their informed opinion.
After the discovery period, the investigation moves forward to an evidentiary hearing, where expert witnesses can be called on and questioned about the case. The IDFPR will have attorneys and expert witnesses of its own, and is responsible for proving any alleged violations by a preponderance of evidence. Expert witnesses may testify on behalf of the defendant in many areas, including their compliance with insurance protocols, hospital privileges, medical standards of care, prescription dispensing practices, and more.
Medical professionals being investigated by the IDFPR are entitled to due process and should be proactive and aggressive about ensuring due process is protected. This means contacting an attorney as soon as you are notified that any investigation has been opened into you. Managing investigations on your own is not recommended, even if you are convinced of your innocence. The process can be long, complicated, and require multiple responses to complaints and inquiries, as well as the extensive gathering of data and evidence to support your innocence. It is easy to make a mistake that can cost you your ability to practice your profession.
Meet with an Illinois Professional License Defense Attorney
Navigating the bureaucracy of IDFPR hearings can be nerve-wracking and extremely complicated. If you are being investigated for malpractice or any other alleged behavior that threatens your license, you can get experienced, aggressive representation from the Illinois professional license defense attorney with The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, LLC. Call us today at 630-310-1267.