Chicago, IL birth injury lawyerExpectant mothers today can schedule childbirth, either by C-section or labor induction using Pitocin. This synthetic hormone, which is similar to naturally produced oxytocin, may also be used if a mother’s labor is not progressing as it should. When administered correctly, Pitocin is a valuable aid. However, Pitocin misuse can severely harm both mother and child.

What complications can Pitocin cause? How do I know if my or my child’s birth injuries were caused by Pitocin misuse? Working with a competent Chicago, IL birth injury lawyer greatly increases your chances of a successful outcome for your compensation claim.  

How Is Pitocin Supposed to Work?

A mother’s body produces a hormone called oxytocin during labor to help her prepare for delivery. This hormone causes and increases the intensity of contractions. Administered through an IV, Pitocin is a drug that performs similar functions. Pitocin encourages the mother’s body to produce natural contractions through uterine stimulation.