Friday, January 20, 2023
Journal of Elder Policy — New Issue Released and a Call for Papers
The just published copy of the fifth issue of the Journal of Elder Policy was a special issue relating to older adults’ access to health care and provider-patient interactions in later life. The issue can be viewed online here.
Autonomy in Later Life
Invitation to Submit a paper for the Journal of Elder Policy, Issue 7, Summer 2023
Editor-in-Chief: Eva Kahana PhD, Distinguished University Professor,
Department of Sociology, Case Western Reserve University
Abstracts of 500 words are due by March 1, 2023
Full papers (8000 -10000 words) are due by May 1, 2023.
Older adults are more diverse and active than ever. Despite this, many portrayals and stereotypes of older adults allude to their dependence on others. While later life does tend to come with unique challenges (e.g. health issues, functional impairment), older adults tend to be far more proactive and adaptive than society (and research) gives them credit for.
This issue of the Journal of Elder Policy seeks to explore issues related to autonomy in later life.
We welcome both empirical (qualitative and quantitative) and conceptual papers from diverse disciplines with an emphasis on policy implications.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Meaningful employment in later life (new or continuing)
- Finding new directions in retirement
- Relocation in later life
- New relationships in later life
- Managing identity when having to rely on others due to illness/functional impairments
- Shifts in family dynamics (e.g. adult children attempting to manage care/finances, suggestions of downsizing)
- Speaking up in health care contexts
- Adaptation to widowhood in later life
Authors should send a 500-word abstract related to their paper by March 1, 2023 to Managing Editor, Kaitlyn Langendoerfer, PhD (
The Journal of Elder Policy is an Open Access Journal sponsored by Policy Studies Organization. There is no publication fee. All articles will be peer-reviewed. More information about the Aims and Scope of the journal and previous issues can be found here:
Please contact Prof. Naomi Cahn at or Prof. Nina A Kohn at if you have any questions or concerns.
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