breast-implants-300x199The FDA recently issued a safety communication warning about a link between breast implants and certain cancers that can develop in the scar tissue around implants.

This new agency warning does not include Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma which has previously been linked to certain Allergan textured breast implants. Those textured implants were recalled after being linked to 600 illnesses and 33 deaths.

Now the FDA is warning women about squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and lymphomas that are linked to all types of implants, regardless of whether they are saline or silicone filled, smooth or textured. These cancers form in the capsule, or scar tissue, around the implant. Currently, the FDA is aware of 20 cases of squamous cell cancer and 30 cases of lymphoma in the capsule around breast implants. The agency issued this statement as part of its safety communication, “While the FDA believes that occurrences of SCC or various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast implant may be rare, health care providers and people who have or are considering breast implants should be aware that cases have been reported to the FDA and in the literature. Currently, the incidence rate and risk factors for SCC and various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast implants are unknown.”

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