Chicagoland Property Management, Condo & HOA Expo
Don’t miss us at the Chicagoland Property Management, Condo & HOA Expo on September 26, 2019. Tressler will be speaking and exhibiting! We will be presenting The Litigious Nature of Today’s Unit Owner. This is a presentation that you don’t want to miss as we’ve noticed it has been a hot topic in today’s legal news and is an all too common issue.
Make sure to use VIP code Tressler2019 to receive complimentary meals, parking and seminars. Please visit this link for more information: http://www.chicagolandpmexpo.com/.
[See our recent blog post on where we successfully obtained full insurance compensation for a client when they were properly insured https://www.condolawwatch.com/2019/08/tressler-hoa-law-success-insurance-claim-for-theft-employee-dishonesty-approved-for-full-recovery-of-loss/.]

Tressler Talks – The Board’s Dilemma: Balancing Civility While Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Duty
Join us to
learn about…
– Keeping the
peace between the board and owners when enforcing Declaration and IL law
– Ensuring the
Board understands its roles/responsibilities while fulfilling its fiduciary
– Maintaining
civility among board members in trying times
Thursday, October 10th
11 am – 1 pm
JC Restoration Auditorium
3200 Squibb Ave
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Lunch will be served. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions. CAMICB accreditation is available to all attendees.
Please RSVP by September 27th by emailing Kim Roche at kroche@tresslerllp.com.
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