The recent Annual Public Justice Gala in Nashville, Tennessee, was a gathering of significant importance, featuring distinguished guests and meaningful conversations. The event served as an opportunity to celebrate those working for justice and bring together advocates to continue this meaningful work.
Among the attendees were attorneys Kathleen Chavez and Elizabeth Chavez, who had the privilege of sharing a table with Rep. Gloria Johnson. Rep. Johnson, known for her role as one of the ‘Tennessee Three,’ is currently a candidate for the U.S. Senate. This event highlighted the ongoing efforts of individuals and organizations dedicated to justice and equity.
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Workers’ compensation claims: Job protection concerns
Dealing with a work-related injury can be stressful, especially if the injury is serious and requires you to take time off work. One of the most pressing issues for some people in this position is whether they’ll still have a job once they’re healed. If you work in Illinois, you have some legal protections concerning your job if you have to file a workers’ comp claim.
The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act likely provides benefits to you if you are injured or become ill due to your job. The basic benefits that you might be familiar with include medical care, rehabilitation…
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Mi empleador no quiere devolverme mi trabajo después de recuperarme de las lesiones en el trabajo. ¿Hay algo que puedo hacer?
Tras sufrir una lesión laboral, y pasar por el proceso largo de sanación, a veces un trabajador tiene que lidiar con una situación preocupante: la negativa del empleador a restituirle su puesto de trabajo. Si usted de repente se encuentra sin trabajo después de lesionarse en el trabajo, tiene que saber qué medidas puede tomar basándose en la legislación estatal de Illinois y la legislación federal.
Derechos bajo la ley estatal de Illinois
En Illinois, la Ley de Compensación para Trabajadores (Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act en inglés) protege a los empleados que han sufrido accidentes en el curso de su…
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What can you do if you suffer an injury while driving for work?
Driving is an important part of many employee’s workdays, whether they drive all day for their job or driving is just one of their tasks. Unfortunately, getting behind the wheel for work can also put you at risk of a crash. What should you know if you get into an accident on the job?
What steps should you take immediately following a car accident on the job?
Your health comes first. Even if the injury seems minor, it is important to get checked by a medical professional. This not only ensures your well-being but also provides documentation that can be…
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Why does falling from a height lead to many workers’ compensation claims?
Any fall has the potential to lead to serious injuries. When workers fall from ladders, roofs or scaffolding, the harm they suffer is often even more severe. What should you know about the risks that falling can create?
How many workers suffer serious injuries in a fall?
Every year, many workers file for compensation due to injuries from falls at their workplaces. Falling from heights is one of the main reasons for these claims. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that in 2020 alone more than 200,000 workers to spend time away from work for to recover…
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Machinery accidents among factory workers and fair compensation
Factory work is fraught with risks, especially from the powerful machinery used in manufacturing processes. Among the numerous hazards, accidents resulting in workers being caught in or between machinery stand out due to their potential severity.
Such incidents can lead to devastating injuries, including the loss of limbs, which not only impacts a worker’s physical health but also their mental well-being and financial stability. Therefore, it is imperative to understand why factory workers deserve comprehensive workers’ compensation for these injuries and how this support is crucial for their recovery and livelihood.
The reality of machinery-related accidents
In manufacturing environments, machinery…
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¿Qué pasa si mis lesiones me impiden realizar mi trabajo?
Sufrir lesiones graves en el trabajo puede tener un impacto devastador en su vida profesional, especialmente si su empleo implica arduas tareas físicas. Si se encuentra en una situación donde sus lesiones le impiden volver a su antiguo trabajo, es importante saber que tiene derechos y opciones para continuar recibiendo apoyo y beneficios.
Opciones del empleador
Cuando sus lesiones le imposibilitan regresar al mismo tipo de trabajo que tenía previo a sus lesiones, su empleador tiene dos alternativas. La primera opción es ofrecerle un puesto que se ajuste a sus nuevas limitaciones. Esto podría significar un cambio de funciones dentro…
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¿La compensación por accidente de trabajo cubre tratamientos de larga duración?
Durante una jornada laboral puede ocurrir cualquier accidente que deje daños importantes a uno o varios trabajadores. Existen un sinfín de posibles situaciones que traen consigo afectaciones a la salud como consecuencia de un empleo. Ya sea por una caída repentina, defectos en alguna herramienta, manejo de sustancias peligrosas, o incluso una molestia que se fue generando con el tiempo, las lesiones derivadas del trabajo son una realidad.
Uno de los problemas más graves ocurre cuando el trabajador sufre una enfermedad o lesión crónica como resultado de su trabajo. Es decir, requiere tratamiento médico y hospitalario a largo plazo, o…
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¿Debo acudir al médico de la empresa por mi lesión laboral?
En el ámbito laboral, las lesiones pueden ocurrir inesperadamente y traer consigo una serie de dudas y procedimientos que deben seguirse con diligencia. Una de las preguntas frecuentes es si existe la obligación de acudir al médico que la empresa designa o si se puede optar por un médico de confianza. En Illinois, la ley de compensación al trabajador ofrece directrices claras al respecto.
Elección del médico según la legislación de Illinois
De acuerdo con la Ley de Compensación para Trabajadores de Illinois, usted tiene derecho a elegir su propio médico, con cargo al empleador, siempre y cuando sea razonable…
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Does workers’ compensation cover long-term care?
Injured workers need to understand whether they have workers’ compensation coverage and, if so, what these benefits cover. These benefits are meant to provide workers with the medical care they need to heal from their work-related injuries or illnesses.
There are several aspects of workers’ compensation coverage that may concern injured workers in Illinois. For example, some may wonder if long-term care is covered. The answer to this question isn’t always clear-cut.
Medical benefits and long-term care
Under Illinois workers’ compensation laws, medical benefits are provided to cover the cost of treatment for work-related injuries or illnesses. This includes immediate…
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How to begin the Illinois workers’ compensation claims process
If you’ve suffered a serious injury at work, the last thing you want to think about is filling out paperwork. However, you’ll need to file a workers’ compensation claim to get the benefits to which you’re entitled for medical care, a portion of lost wages and other benefits, if applicable.
It’s important to complete the documentation fully and accurately. Even minor errors or omissions can delay your benefits or even cause your claim to be initially denied.
Don’t be talked out of seeking benefits
Don’t yet your employer tell you that your injury doesn’t qualify for workers’ comp, that you…
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Can workers’ comp help those with repetitive motion injuries?
The average employee in Illinois has protection from on-the-job injuries. Businesses generally need to carry workers’ compensation insurance coverage for every direct hire employee that they have on staff. If a worker ends up hurt due to a piece of equipment malfunctioning or a fall while performing their job, they can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
Workers’ compensation benefits are useful for injured workers because they provide full medical coverage. Employees without insurance and those with large deductibles on their insurance policies don’t have to worry about paying out of pocket to receive the care they require. If…
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How construction workers may sustain TBIs from falling from heights
Construction is a vital industry, but it’s also one of the most hazardous. Workers regularly face risks, and falls from heights are a prevalent cause of catastrophic injuries and even death. Of particular concern are the traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that can result from these falls, often involving ladders and scaffolding.
Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction sector, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A significant portion of these fatalities involve falls from heights, with ladders and scaffolding posing particular dangers. Ladders can become unstable if not properly secured or used incorrectly.
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Do I have to go to a company doctor for an on-the-job injury?
The workers’ compensation system in Illinois aims to support employees who suffer injuries at work. A crucial aspect of this system is the injured worker’s ability to seek treatment, which is governed by rules that balance employee rights with the interests of employers and their insurance carriers.
Understanding these rules is essential for effectively navigating the workers’ compensation claim process and ensuring injured workers make informed decisions about their medical care.
Right to choose a provider
One of the critical rights afforded to injured workers in Illinois is the choice of healthcare provider. This empowers employees to seek treatment from…
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¿Necesito a un abogado si me lesioné en el trabajo?
Esta es una pregunta que podría venir a la mente de un trabajador o de sus seres queridos al momento de iniciar con su proceso de reclamación del seguro para trabajadores lesionados o en cuanto las cosas empiezan a complicarse. Sea cual sea el caso, la compensación que obtenga es la que hará la diferencia para que usted pueda obtener los recursos necesarios y así atender sus lesiones causadas por sus actividades laborales.
El inicio del proceso
Por ley, casi todos los empleados contratados por un empleador en Illinois tienen acceso a los beneficios del seguro de compensación para trabajadores.
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Do I need an attorney after being injured on the job?
Almost every employee working for a company in Illinois has protection available through workers’ compensation coverage. If they get hurt on the job, they can file a claim for both medical benefits and disability benefits. Workers’ compensation can pay for someone’s treatment and may also cover the wages someone cannot earn because of their injury.
In theory, workers’ compensation should not be an adversarial process that pits a worker against their employer. The parties should cooperate. Unfortunately, many workers find the process difficult to navigate and could be at risk of an unfavorable outcome. Despite being able to file a…
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