IL injury lawyerIn 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 20,000 occupational injuries related to ice, sleet, and snow. These are injuries that occur while the individual is at work. The number of injuries related to ice, sleet, and snow outside of the workplace is likely to be much higher than those that occur in the workplace.

Wintertime is the peak time for slip-and-fall accidents due to slushy, snowy, or icy floors, sidewalks, and parking lots. Unfortunately, what may initially seem like a relatively minor fall can cause serious health issues that can last for weeks, months, or even years. A fall on an icy service can also cause broken bones, severe back and neck injuries, and even traumatic brain injuries – all of which can have long-term effects.

You may wonder whether a business owner is liable for a slip-and-fall in the wintertime since snow and ice are almost impossible to escape. If you are the victim of a winter slip-and-fall accident, it can be helpful to speak to a knowledgeable Lombard personal injury attorney who can help you determine whether the business owner is liable for your injuries.