Petitioning for guardianship of an adult can be an intensive process. When an adult can no longer manage his or her estate, the court may appoint a guardian to address the adult’s daily care and handle his or her assets. However, a judge will only approve a petition for guardianship if there is a clear need for intervention.
If you are looking to assume guardianship over an adult, an Illinois family law attorney can provide you with legal advice and strong representation. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we have the skills and experience to properly advocate for you in a guardianship hearing. We can compile and present evidence to establish why an order of guardianship is necessary.
Health Reasons for Guardianship
A petition for adult guardianship might be granted for health reasons. Note that an elderly adult or an adult with a developmental disability can still be considered independent. You must prove in court that the adult’s health conditions prevent him or her from managing personal or financial affairs.