Becoming a sex offender can change everything about your life. You will face restrictions on where you can live, where you can go, and who you can be around. Issues with housing and employment are to be expected. Many find that the social scorn that comes with being a registered sex offender has the biggest impact on their daily life. If you have been accused of a sex crime, you need a highly experienced Arlington Heights, IL sexual offenses attorney to fight for you. An accusation is not a conviction, and there is a lot an attorney can do to help you. It is best to reach out to an attorney as soon as you are aware that you are suspected of or have been accused of any sex crime, even if you have not been arrested yet.
Child Sex Offenders Must Avoid Places Where Children Congregate
In Illinois, child sex offenders cannot live near a school, daycare facility, park, or other places that are designed for people under 18 years old to congregate. This can make it challenging for a sex offender to find housing in more condensed urban areas.