Protecting your child custody rights in Illinois requires careful attention to the law and your actions during and after the divorce process. Parents often underestimate how certain behaviors can negatively affect their custody rights, even when they have the best intentions. Courts in Illinois prioritize the best interests of the child when determining custody, and specific mistakes can lead to losing or restricting parental responsibilities.

The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/601 et seq.) outlines the rules governing child custody, referred to as the allocation of parental responsibilities. Courts assess several factors when deciding custody, including the child’s needs, each parent’s ability to care for the child, and whether both parents can promote the child’s welfare. Avoiding common mistakes can help protect your custody rights and preserve a positive co-parenting relationship.

Failing To Comply With Court Order

Court orders related to custody are legally binding and must be followed precisely. Violating a parenting schedule, withholding visitation, or failing to meet support obligations can severely impact your custody rights. Illinois law emphasizes adherence to court orders, and non-compliance can lead to modifications or legal penalties under 750 ILCS 5/607.5 et seq.

Disparaging The Other Parent

Speaking negatively about the other parent, especially in front of your child, can harm your custody case. Illinois courts prioritize a parent’s ability to foster a positive relationship between the child and the other parent under 750 ILCS 5/602.7 et seq. Consistent negative comments can be perceived as attempts to alienate the child, which may influence custody decisions.

Failing To Prioritize Your Child’s Best Interests

Illinois custody laws center on the child’s best interests. If a parent repeatedly places their needs above the child’s, such as missing visitation, disregarding the child’s school or medical needs, or being unreliable, it can result in a court modifying custody arrangements under 750 ILCS 5/610.5 et seq.

Engaging In Substance Abuse Or Criminal Activity

Any history of substance abuse or criminal activity can directly impact your custody rights. Courts may restrict parenting time if they believe a parent’s behavior endangers the child’s welfare under 750 ILCS 5/603.10 et seq. Even isolated incidents of intoxication or reckless behavior can raise concerns in a custody case.

Withholding Parenting Time

Denying the other parent court-ordered parenting time can be detrimental to your case, even if you believe you have valid reasons. Courts consider a parent’s willingness to encourage a relationship with the other parent when determining custody under 750 ILCS 5/602.7 et seq. If there are safety concerns, the proper approach is to seek a formal custody modification or enforcement action through the court.

Not Keeping Accurate Records

Failing to document custody-related issues could weaken your position in court. It is important that you maintain detailed records of missed visitations, concerning behaviors, and communication with the other parent as it provides valuable evidence and support should a dispute arise.

Violating The Child’s Routine And Stability

Stability plays a crucial role in custody decisions. Disrupting the child’s education, living arrangements, or established routines without justification can affect your custody rights. Courts consider the child’s need for consistency when evaluating the best interests standard under 750 ILCS 5/602.7 et seq.

Child Custody Dispute Frequently Asked Questions

What Factors Do Illinois Courts Consider When Determining Child Custody? 

Illinois courts consider several factors under 750 ILCS 5/602.7, including the child’s relationship with each parent, their adjustment to home and school, the parents’ ability to cooperate, and any history of abuse or neglect. The goal is to determine the arrangement that best serves the child’s well-being.

Can My Custody Rights Be Modified After A Divorce Is Finalized?

Yes, custody rights can be modified if appropriate. Under 750 ILCS 5/610.5, modifications may occur if a parent relocates, fails to comply with court orders, or if the child’s welfare is at risk.

How Does Illinois Define The Best Interests Of The Child?

The best interests of the child standard, as outlined in 750 ILCS 5/602.7, prioritizes the child’s safety, emotional well-being, stability, and relationship with both parents. Courts aim to ensure the child has a positive and supportive environment.

What Can I Do If The Other Parent Violates The Custody Order?

If the other parent violates the custody order, you can file a petition for enforcement under 750 ILCS 5/607.5. The court may impose penalties or adjust the custody arrangement to prevent further violations.

Does Substance Abuse Affect Custody Decisions In Illinois?

Yes, substance abuse can impact custody rulings under 750 ILCS 5/603.10. If a parent’s substance abuse endangers the child’s safety or stability, the court may limit or supervise parenting time.

How Can I Protect My Custody Rights If My Child Refuses Visitation?

If your child refuses visitation, document the incidents and communicate with the other parent. Avoid denying visitation unilaterally, as this could be viewed as a violation of the court order. Seek legal guidance to address the issue properly.

Can Negative Comments About The Other Parent Affect My Custody Rights?

Yes, speaking negatively about the other parent, especially in front of the child, can harm your custody case. Illinois law encourages both parents to foster a healthy relationship between the child and the other parent.

How Can I Modify A Custody Arrangement In Illinois?

To modify a custody arrangement, you must often demonstrate a significant change in circumstances and that the modification serves the child’s best interests. Working with an attorney can help you present a strong case for modification.

Call Our Chicago Child Custody Attorney To Discuss Your Case

Protecting your custody rights in Illinois requires careful attention to the law and a commitment to acting in your child’s best interests. At Michael C. Craven, we understand the complexities of child custody cases and are committed to helping parents safeguard their rights while promoting the well-being of their children. Our legal team is ready to provide the guidance and representation you need during this challenging time.

To schedule a consultation with our Chicago custody attorney, Michael C. Craven, please call our office at (312) 621-5234. Our office proudly represents clients throughout Chicago, Illinois. Let us help you protect your parental rights and work toward a custody arrangement that supports your family’s best interests.

The post Mistakes That Could Put Your Child Custody Rights At Risk  first appeared on Divorce Attorney in Chicago.