If your spouse ends up arrested and sentenced to prison for a criminal offense, you might be dealing with a lot of strong emotions at the same time. It is entirely understandable to feel heartbroken, betrayed, or even incensed, and sometimes, there is no other way to move forward but to get a divorce.
That being said, a divorce with a spouse behind bars can present unique challenges that you may not be comfortable handling alone. A DuPage County, IL family law attorney can help you finalize the dissolution of your marriage and give you closure during an especially traumatic time in your life. Attorney Michael J. Calabrese has previously served as a chair of the DuPage County Bar Association, and his experience allows him to navigate the most sensitive issues of family law.
Serving Papers
Like any other divorce, the process begins by serving your spouse with papers, providing him or her with formal notice of your intent to file for a dissolution of marriage. To make sure these papers reach your spouse behind bars, you will have to find your spouse’s inmate number via the state’s online posting from the Department of Corrections.