Normally, an uncomplicated DUI is a misdemeanor. If you were simply pulled over by the police because you were seen swerving, driving with a missing headlight, or breaking another traffic law and were found to be intoxicated, you are probably being charged with a misdemeanor. However, if you caused a car crash that left someone injured, your situation is much more serious. You may be facing felony charges for DUI with great bodily harm. If you were involved in an accident that left someone injured and subsequently got arrested for drunk driving, you need an experienced Joliet, IL felony DUI lawyer to fight for you. Felony DUI can carry significant prison time and should be taken very seriously.
Possible Defense Strategies for DUI With Injury
There are several ways to defend your case when you are charged with DUI with injury. One option is to fight back against the underlying drunk driving allegation using common DUI defenses, such as challenging the blood or breath test used to establish your B.A.C. If the state will probably not be able to prove that you were driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, your DUI charge may be dropped, or you may be able to have your charges reduced to reckless driving.