The Illinois Department of Transportation (“IDOT”) announced that the express lanes on the 1-90/94 expressway have officially repopened for the first time since their closing for consutruction in March 2024.

Their closure was part of a three (3) rennovation project run by IDOT. Since the express lanes closure, commute times in and out of the loop and out to O’Hare airport have increased dramatically. So much so, that a recent traffic study put Chicago tied for first in the U.S. for worst traffic congestion.

The express lanes (which referese directions depending on time of day and congestion) were originally supposed to open in December. IDOT pushed their openning until today blaming continued testing on the Reversible Lane Access Control System, which controls access to the lanes depending on the flow of rush hour traffic. That system includes more than 120 gates, camera equipment, fiber optic cables and a variety of signage, IDOT said.

We are all hoping that the re-opening of the express lanes will help ease traffic congestion in and out of the city. Though, more closures on the Kennedy are coming as IDOT will be moving to the third phase of the contruction project. There will be periodic lane closures on parts of the outbound Kennedy Expressway from Ohio Street to the Edens junction. Road contruction workers are expected to rehabilitate lanes and refurbish a number of bridges along the route.

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