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Workplace Law Boot Camp Launches January 23 – Register Now!

Is your New Year’s resolution to get your business’s employment law compliance into shape? There’s no better way to start than by joining the next cohort of our Illinois Workplace Law Boot Camp.

If you’ve watched our Do It NOW! Webinars, you know we care deeply about employment law compliance. We’ve developed a following of Illinois business and HR leaders who count on us for perspective and direction on the latest developments in employment law every month. Our Illinois Workplace Law Boot Camp takes a deeper dive into compliance with a focus on implementation. Here’s what we’re offering:

The Boot Camp Course

Gain exclusive access to a live 4-session weekly ZOOM course with one of our experienced employment lawyers. This course will help you build a strong foundation of knowledge of your key employment law obligations across the life cycle of the employment relationship. SHRM-certified member-attendees will qualify for SHRM recertification credits.

Do It on Your Time

Fully participate even if you miss a live session! Replay links of each session will be available via a platform that enables you to submit questions to the lawyer/presenter even when watching a recording. We will set each course recording to be replayed weekly for 2 months at various times in the morning, afternoon, and evening so you won’t miss a thing!

The Tools to Make Compliance a Habit

After the sessions, we will provide starter packs of instructions, policies, and/or procedures to turbocharge your efforts to comply with select obligations described during each session, and to continue your compliance efforts.

Built-In Accountability

At the end of the course, we won’t leave you hanging. We will provide four (4) quarterly compliance planning calls over the year following your completion of the course, to make sure you’re applying the starter packs to your business and to share more ideas on how to maintain and improve your employment law compliance as laws inevitably change.

And it all can start with a $250 deposit. The full course is $950 – and we stand behind its value with a money-back guarantee if you find the course and our support is not helpful to your organization.

Click here to learn more and sign up! We like to keep these courses small to encourage discussion, so please believe us when we say spaces are LIMITED! Join us today and make Illinois Workplace Law Boot Camp the first step to DO NOW! in the New Year!




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