It’s no secret that we’re passionate about the arts at Jayaram. From our client list to the custom works in our studio spaces, we’re surrounded by (and inspired by) creativity on a daily basis — and that extends to our team members.

Learn more about just a few of our favorite artists from the Jayaram team, and how they incorporate creative practice into their lives.

Christina Mastrucci Lehn
Partner, Miami


Christie has always had a love for poetry, but it was as an English major at Notre Dame that she truly found her voice, when she combined her interest in literature with the musicality she had honed as a choir singer. She’s kept writing poems in the years since as a way to express concepts and emotions that surpass ordinary words. “Some things just can’t be articulated in straightforward language,” she says. “I like to think that poetry doesn’t tell you, it shows you.”

She wrote this selected poem shortly after Jayaram’s 2024 firmwide retreat, where discussions with teammates inspired her to tap back into her creative outlet. “I can be a whole person, I don’t need to just be a lawyer,” she said. “I can reach back out to this thing I used to do that gave me a lot of fulfillment.”



Should you return,
I would light your way in the sky
With fire, with ice
Would I pave the steps
Of your countenance,
Frozen in time
Should you return,
The mountain of your face
Would I scale, would I climb,
Gliding on your eyes
Like starlight, swiamming
In that flame of desire,
The shiver and the spark of night
Should you return,
The quake and the sand and the earth
Of memory would collide:
The gale, the storm, and then the void
Of a word, a sigh;
The insurmountable climb
To create, to burn, to deny
Tomorrow, to decry
The loss of a vision
The chill of the rising sun
The burden of what’s undone
The melting point of you
Is the smoke of tomorrow’s gun
The final blow of the morning
The chasm and the flood
Should you return,
A piece of me would be found
In your words,
In the trail of your fingers
On my spine, in my blood,
An ever present reminder
Of what’s to come, of what it is
Never to have, always to yearn
What is past, what cannot be
The siren in the sea
However would I be free
Should you return


— Christina Mastrucci Lehn

Gabrielle Wilson
Director, NY


Gabby is a multi-talented artist whose creative pursuits have been constants in her life throughout high school, college, law school and beyond. After studying ceramic sculpture in school, Gabby also pursued a professional dance career with Jamal Jackson Dance Company, even while attending law school.

Today, she continues to produce ceramic pieces that line the walls of her apartment – and those of her family and friends. Her practice keeps her grounded and present in her daily life. “It’s one of those instances where I find myself in a flow state,” she says. “I used to have that experience a lot with dance, and so it’s another opportunity to be in that mindset, in the moment.”

The post Playing Favorites: Artists at Jayaram first appeared on Jayaram Law.