Factory workers are often exposed to harmful conditions or chemicals. This can lead to significant injuries, for which they may require workers’ compensation benefits. After all, if a worker is injured while on the clock and performing the duties of their job, they likely deserve compensation for medical costs and a portion of their lost wages.
The specific injuries a worker suffers will vary from case to case. Chemical contact with the skin could lead to rashes or burns, for instance. Workers who inhale chemicals could develop lung or throat injuries, along with respiratory problems. In some cases, chemical exposure can be so serious that it leads to brain damage and other neurological issues. Additionally, chemical exposure to the eyes could cause red or dry eyes or even blindness in the most serious cases. Some chemical exposure leads to long-term issues, like cancer. 
What should you do if you are exposed?
The first thing to remember is that correct PPE—personal protective equipment—can often prevent chemical exposure. Workers may need gloves, hats, face masks, eye protection and more, depending on the specific industry they’re working in and the type of chemicals they’re using.
That being said, even with the correct PPE, injuries can happen. If you are injured, the first step is to focus on your health by seeking medical care. You may need emergency treatment as well as long-term care. Talk to medical professionals and get this process started before worrying about anything else.
After you get the medical care you need, remember to notify your employer. It’s important to provide this notice so that it’s clear to your employer that the injuries happened on the job, and you can directly trace those injuries to the exposure or other workplace events.
Next, begin documenting everything. This could include gathering evidence, such as witness statements or CCTV footage from work. It also includes obtaining copies of medical records to show exactly how you were injured and what type of treatment you required. Statements from your healthcare professional will go a long way toward determining the compensation you need and proving that you are entitled to it.
Exploring legal options
Finally, it is important to consider the legal steps you’ll need to take to seek proper workers’ comp benefits. It can help to have an experienced attorney on your side.The post Navigating Workers’ Compensation Claims for Chemical Exposure in Factories first appeared on Foote, Mielke, Chavez & O’Neil, LLC.