This year,
Municipal Minute will be counting down to the New Year with updates on
legislation that will be effective starting on January 1, 2025.

Public Act 103-0796 (Act) restricts local control over
land use regulations governing battery-charged fences. Staring January 1, 2025,
municipalities, townships, and counties may not require a permit or other
approval for the installation or maintenance of a battery-charged fence if the
fence is on non-residential property and the electric charge produced by the
fence is below the requirements set by the International Electrotechnical

any battery-charged fence must have visible warning signs placed every 30-feet.

This Act
contains an express preemption of home rule powers. A home rule municipality
may not regulate battery-charged fences in a manner that is inconsistent with
the Act.

Post Authored by Alexis Carter & Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink