Young children who go to daycare are usually not in the best position to manage their own food allergies. While older children are usually aware that they have an allergy, they may not always know what foods contain the ingredients they are allergic to. Toddlers need much more supervision to ensure that they do not eat something containing an allergen. When you drop your child off at daycare and have made the daycare aware of your child’s allergy, you should be able to trust that the care providers will watch carefully during meal and snack times to make sure your child does not eat anything he or she cannot have.
Unfortunately, young children are sometimes exposed to foods they are allergic to at daycare. For some children, this can be life-threatening. If your child was harmed by a food allergen while at daycare, you may be entitled to compensation on his or her behalf. An experienced Illinois food allergen reactions attorney can help you pursue any legal action possible.