Whenever you get behind the wheel, it is important to understand what charges and penalties you might face if caught violating the law. With traffic violations ranging from minor offenses to serious crimes, consequences can vary widely.
Whether you are caught speeding, running a red light, or driving under the influence (DUI), you need to understand what is at stake. If you have specific questions about charges you might face, an experienced Elgin, IL criminal defense lawyer can review your case and offer tailored guidance.
Common Traffic Violations and Their Penalties
Some of the most common traffic violations in Illinois include:
Speeding: If you were going less than 20 mph over the speeding limit, you could face a fine of $120-$150 and might get a few points on your driver’s license. Speeding over 20 mph faster than the speeding limit can result in fines of $150-$250, with more points on your license. Speeding over 35 mph above the limit can lead to charges of reckless driving, which is a criminal offense. You might face fines of up to $2,500, up to a year in jail, and your license might be suspended.