Arlington Heights, IL criminal defense lawyerCarjacking is a violent crime that comes with serious penalties on a conviction. With multiple sources reporting that carjackings are on the rise, you may be curious to know how the state of Illinois litigates these crimes.

If you have been accused of carjacking or another violent crime in Arlington Heights, a skilled criminal defense lawyer can provide counsel and represent you in court, making a compelling case to have the charges against you reduced or dropped. The attorney at Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law has over two decades of experience in criminal law, and he knows what defendants are up against in court.

Carjacking and Vehicle Theft

The difference between vehicle theft and carjacking is force, whether threatening to hurt someone or actually following through. Theft of a motor vehicle is covered under Illinois’s general theft statute and is prosecuted based on the monetary value of the vehicle. The charges for vehicle theft could escalate if the victim was deceived.