“This graphic video evidence shows the unjustified and brutal murder of Othel Moore, a healthy 38-year-old Black man, by correctional officers at the Jefferson City Correctional Center. The video also highlights the complete disregard for the sanctity of life, deliberate indifference and failure to provide emergency medical care to Othel by the medical providers from Centurion Health. Based upon the objective evidence, four officers have been charged with felony murder. This is one of the most egregious prison death cases in America and Black men continue to die at alarming rates within the Missouri Department of Corrections,” Andrew M. Stroth, civil rights attorney.
In June of 2024, five officers were charged in the murder of Moore. This newly amended complaint, filed in the federal court on 10/24/24, graphically articulates in 256 points, how Moore was pepper sprayed, restrained and left to die in an isolation cell. A video shows correctional officers walking by the deceased inmate and ignoring him.
“The Constitution of our great country proclaims that all people are created equal and should be free from cruel and unusual punishment, but that’s not what happened here,” stated attorney Larry Disparti. “We witnessed the heinous murder at the hands of those who were sworn to protect.”