Chicago, IL postpartum injury lawyerThe birth of a child can be an incredible experience, and the memories of that period are cherished for the rest of the parents’ lives. Unfortunately, the abnormal levels of hormones and chemicals released in a mother’s body before, during, and after birth can make it a challenging time for many women. Typical hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and after birth can result in mood swings and hyperemotionality.

However, if symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) go undiagnosed and are brushed off as “regular” maternal emotional issues, the results can be tragic. If you think you or a loved one is experiencing tragic consequences of undiagnosed PPD, seek immediate medical attention and then speak to a dedicated Chicago, IL birth injury lawyer to review your options.

Diagnosing Postpartum Depression 

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, PPD is a major episode of depression that can develop within four weeks of giving birth. This episode consists of two weeks or more of feeling depressed, disinterested in daily activities, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, psychomotor issues, fatigue, a disproportionate sense of guilt or worthlessness, disinterest in the baby, and suicidal thoughts.