Kane County, IL family lawyerIt has become somewhat common practice to sign a prenuptial agreement. Not everyone signs one, but almost everyone has heard of one. However, even though a prenup can have a serious impact on your financial future, some people sign it without truly wanting to. Maybe their future in-laws gave them an ultimatum to pressure them into signing it. Perhaps they lacked the knowledge to fully understand that they were signing a document their spouse’s family lawyer drew up that unfairly represented the spouse’s interests. 

If you signed a prenup that you did not want to, it might not have seemed like a big deal at the time because you were sure you would live happily ever after. Unfortunately, most people do not anticipate divorce when they are planning their wedding, and many people find themselves in divorce proceedings with a prenup that they were never comfortable with. If you fall under this category, speak with an experienced Kane County, IL divorce lawyer to review your options.