When you hear about someone being injured in a car or truck accident, you probably think the drivers were responsible. It may not occur to you that a state, federal, or local government might share the blame. However, government agencies may be held liable for your injuries in certain situations.
How can the government cause motor vehicle accidents? Can I get compensation from a government entity? These claims are more complex than many other personal injury cases, but a knowledgeable lawyer from McNamara Phelan McSteen, LLC can overcome the potential challenges to help you achieve a successful resolution.
How Could a Government Agency Cause Motor Vehicle Accidents?
Government departments are responsible for much of our nation’s infrastructure. For instance, the Joliet Department of Public Works is responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of streets, sidewalks, traffic signals, streetlights, roadway signs, and other public properties. The federal government provides some funding for various interstate highways in Illinois via the Highway Trust Fund, but state and local governments are also responsible.