Although divorce rarely happens under optimal circumstances, certain issues can make the divorce process considerably more difficult. Mental illness, which affects one in six U.S. adults, is one factor that can make divorce harder for everyone – not least the person struggling with the mental illness.
Parents with mental illness who have minor children may feel more threatened by divorce. Not only can the stress of divorce exacerbate mental health disorders, but the prospect of having a mental illness scrutinized in front of a court as parents make decisions about child custody can be very intimidating.
If you are considering getting divorced, or if your spouse has already filed for divorce, and you know your or your spouse’s mental illness is likely to be a significant factor in the outcome of your divorce, contact The Law Offices of Curtis Bennett Ross, L.L.C. today. We work with divorcing spouses from all walks of life and handle every case with the sensitivity and individuality it deserves.