DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerThe end of a marriage can be difficult for everyone involved. When a couple’s relationship has broken down, spouses often struggle to be civil with each other, and they may encounter arguments and conflict as they address issues related to their separation.

As a couple proceeds with the divorce process, they have several options for addressing and resolving the legal issues in their case. For many couples, uncontested divorce may be the most beneficial way to dissolve their marriages. Understanding what an uncontested divorce entails, the issues that need to be addressed, and the methods that may be used to resolve conflict can help ensure that a couple can end their marriage successfully.

While an uncontested divorce can provide a straightforward and amicable path to ending your marriage, it is important to take steps to protect your rights and your financial interests during this process. An experienced attorney at Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC can advise you on the legal issues that you will need to address, the steps that will be followed during the divorce process, and the best ways to resolve disputes as you negotiate a divorce settlement. A skilled lawyer can make sure all legal issues will be addressed correctly while advocating for solutions that meet your needs in the years to come.