On May 26, 2024, the Illinois Legislature passed Senate Bill 3649 – titled the “Worker Freedom of Speech Act.” The legislation prohibits virtually all Illinois employers from discharging or disciplining any employee, or from threatening to take such actions against any employee, who refuses to attend meetings related to unions (aka “the Captive Audience Meeting”). In short, employers cannot require or give the impression to anyone that they are compelling workers to attend meetings that touch on labor unions. While the restrictions cover anything “political” or “religious” in nature (and union issues fall under “political”), the true intent is to shut up employers while union representatives are already legally allowed to say just about everything and anything to dupe the worker into “signing up” with a labor union. To be more clear, the legislation specifically aims to prevent employers from educating employees on the pros and cons of union membership in general or in a particular union or labor organization. Once signed by the governor (he’ll sign it), it will become effective.