IL family lawyerWhen parents get a divorce, they generally try to figure out where each ex-spouse will live and come up with a schedule for which home the children go to when. That is certainly the most common custody arrangement, but not the only one available. Some parents decide to keep the children in the family home, and instead of the children moving from home to home, the parents alternate when they stay at that home. Otherwise known as birdnesting, this option is not for everyone, but under certain circumstances, it can work wonderfully. If you and your spouse are considering birdnesting, speak with an experienced Kane County, IL divorce lawyer to help you understand your options. 

How Does Birdnesting Work?

When divorced parents decide to try birdnesting, it takes a great deal of pressure off the children. They don’t need to remember to pack important things frequently as they shuttle back and forth between their parents or make sure to have multiple of all their favorite things. The children keep on living in their home, sleeping in their own room, and it is the parents who alternate sleeping there.