Wheaton, IL divorce lawyerThe divorce process can sometimes feel like it will never end. But you can rest assured that, no matter how difficult your divorce is, the process will eventually end and it will be time to move on. But what comes after an Illinois divorce? Even after the divorce is finalized, important steps still need to be taken to ensure a smooth transition into this new chapter of your life. Speak with your attorney to ensure you set yourself up for success post-divorce.

Update Estate Planning and Other Legal Documents

After a divorce, it is essential to update all your legal documents to reflect your new marital status. This includes updating estate planning documents such as your will, trust, power of attorney, and any other legal documents that may list your former spouse as a beneficiary or decision-marker. Failure to update these documents can result in unintended negative consequences that may not align with your current wishes – for example, you certainly do not want to leave your ex spouse an inheritance if you unexpectedly pass away.