IL family lawyerOne of the most commonly discussed topics in parental divorce is child support. Sometimes, one parent has more time with the children and responsibility for them and the other has more flexibility to work and earn a living. In that case, it is generally straightforward; the parent who works more pays child support to the parent spending more time raising the children. But sometimes, the parents have equally shared custody, and neither parent can claim to be spending more time with the kids. If you believe you will have a 50/50 custody arrangement with your spouse, you will likely have questions about child support calculations. Speak with a knowledgeable Wheaton, IL divorce attorney to get some answers.

How Does Shared Parenting Work?

Child custody, or parenting time, refers to when the child is with each parent. There is no specific template for a parenting time schedule that will work for everyone. Every family that has been through a divorce has a unique parenting time schedule based on factors that include the child’s needs, the parents’ abilities, and others.