If you are an unmarried father who wants parental rights, it is important that you establish paternity. While it is a fairly simple procedure at the time of the child’s birth, that is not always an option. If not, there are ways for you to establish paternity after the child is born. If you are a single father in Illinois who wants to establish your paternity, an experienced Wheaton, IL paternity attorney can explain what is involved and help you figure out how to proceed.
Parentage in Illinois
In the state of Illinois, a woman giving birth is automatically and legally considered the child’s mother. If she is married to a man at the time of birth, her husband is automatically and legally considered the baby’s father. When the parents of a baby are not married at the time of birth, it is less straightforward for the father. He is not automatically recognized as such and will need to establish his paternity, meaning he needs to prove that he is the child’s father.