DuPage County Divorce LawyerAs a parent, it can be heartbreaking to contemplate the adverse effects your divorce could potentially have on your child’s life. These negative effects are often sparked by intense interpersonal conflict between parents. As a result, parental communication can suffer significantly, making the process harder for everyone, particularly the children. If you have serious concerns about your divorce and what it may mean for your children, your situation may call for the help of a parenting coordinator. Discuss this possibility with your lawyer in Illinois to understand your options and how you can safeguard your children’s well-being.

Three Clues a Parenting Coordinator May Be Needed in Your Divorce

  1. High conflict between parents – One of the primary signs that a parenting coordinator is needed is the presence of high conflict between the parents. When disputes arise frequently, and communication suffers, it can have a devastating effect on the children. Working as a neutral third party, a parenting coordinator will facilitate communication and assist parents in finding common ground. Resolving conflicts, creating effective co-parenting strategies, and ensuring the children’s best interests are always prioritized are some examples of what parenting coordinators do best.