2024 Happy New Year BackgroundIn 2023, the 2Civility staff covered some of the most pressing issues facing the legal profession, from the ethical use of AI to how to support law students and uphold the First Amendment during times of conflict.

Our goal is to provide legal professionals with valuable information to navigate professionalism challenges while building careers grounded in integrity, civility, and a “special responsibility for the quality of justice,” as the Rules of Professional Conduct state.

Here is a look at some of our most popular articles in 2023. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get all of our articles, including news from 2Civility and the Illinois Supreme Court, delivered to your inbox.

1. Meet the Black Women Law Deans Leading Illinois Law Schools

According to Rosenblatt’s Deans Database (hosted by the Mississippi College School of Law), just 12% of the 199 ABA-accredited law schools are led by Black women. However, in Illinois, it’s almost half.

In this article, we explore the dynamic paths and approaches to leadership of the four Black women who are serving as deans in Illinois law schools.

Their stories demonstrate how legal organizations can better reflect and represent the communities they seek to serve and how leaders can shape institutions through periods of unprecedented change.

In addition, here are some other inspiring leadership stories from our blog:

2. Why ChatGPT Matters for the Future of Legal Services

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to transform the way lawyers work, performing tasks like research and analysis, summarizing documents, and drafting marketing materials.

However, the integration of these tools into legal practice requires ethical considerations around issues like confidentiality, supervisory authority, plagiarism, and potential inequities, among many others.

According to the Clio 2023 Legal Trends Report, while only 19% of legal professionals said they currently use AI in their practices, 63% are interested in learning more. All of our ChatGPT content was highly read in 2023, indicating Illinois lawyers want to learn more too.

Other popular AI content from 2Civility’s blog includes:

3. Commission on Professionalism Launches New Statewide Initiative to Prevent Bullying in the Legal Profession

In July 2023, 2Civility launched a statewide initiative to assess the prevalence and impact of bullying in the legal profession, acts of incivility that have long-ranging consequences for lawyers and public opinion of the profession.

In September, more than 6,000 Illinois attorneys participated in our survey, sharing their experiences with bullying in the legal profession.

Focus groups of Illinois lawyers will be held early this year to help us dive deeper into the issue. With the support of the Red Bee Group and an Advisory Council of attorneys and judges from across Illinois, we plan to issue a report in mid-2024 with best practices for addressing and reducing bullying in legal settings.

In the meantime, here are some other popular articles focused on the impacts of bullying and incivility in the legal profession:

4. What You Missed

Finally, we realize that in the busyness of the holiday season, some of 2Civility’s publications may have passed you by. Below are a few articles you may have missed late last year.

Many of these topics and more will be covered at our annual The Future Is Now: Legal Services conference, which will be held virtually on April 18. CLE is available.

Sign up here to get notified when registration opens.

Staying up to date on issues impacting the legal profession is vital to your success. Subscribe here to get the Commission’s weekly news delivered to your inbox.

The post Commission on Professionalism’s Most-Read Articles of 2023 appeared first on 2Civility.

Photo of Laura Bagby Laura Bagby

Laura Bagby is Communications Director at the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, where she develops and executes strategy to elevate the Commission among attorneys and judges in Illinois. Laura leverages communications channels to educate and engage with the legal community in support…

Laura Bagby is Communications Director at the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, where she develops and executes strategy to elevate the Commission among attorneys and judges in Illinois. Laura leverages communications channels to educate and engage with the legal community in support of the Commission’s mission of increasing civility and professionalism to enable the administration of justice.