DuPage County civil litigation lawyersUnfriendly or annoying neighbors are more common than you would like to think. Often, they are little more than a nuisance with petty squabbles over easily forgettable issues. Yet, neighbors sometimes become hostile and prove themselves more dangerous than otherwise expected. At this point, you will need to take care of the situation as best you can in a strictly legal way. Consult a civil litigation attorney for additional information regarding complications with hostile individuals or less-than-friendly neighbors.

Types of Neighborly Disputes

One can face three primary disputes with their neighbors in Illinois that can cover a good range of issues. The three disputes are the following:

  • Boundary
  • Property Damage
  • Nuisance

These disputes can be dealt with legally, often through a homeowner’s association (HOA), landlord, or property management company. However, if the conflicts stem from or cause illegal behavior at any point, you must get the police involved before it gets any more complicated.