St Charles Divorce LawyerThe holidays are a time when families get together and forge cherished memories that can last a lifetime. But when the family’s parents have decided to get a divorce, things can become more complicated. If you are a divorced parent whose ex-spouse wants to make you change your holiday plans with your children, a knowledgeable Kane County, IL divorce lawyer can help you navigate this sensitive situation.

Why Might Holiday Plans Be a Source of Contention?

In some families with divorced parents, the parents might have different religious affiliations. This can make holidays difficult due to the parents’ differing assumptions about how a holiday should be spent. In some families, divorced parents might live very different lifestyles. If the parent with much more financial stability gets to have the kids for a holiday, the parents who live a more modest lifestyle might worry that the children will be given gifts and experiences that they would not be able to provide them with. In some families, one of the divorced parents might start dating someone and want to introduce that person to their children. This could make the other parent uncomfortable, knowing the children will be exposed to another adult whom they do not know themselves. This person could make an impression on the children or introduce them to religious practices that they do not want their children to adopt.