DUIs are taken very seriously in Illinois regardless of the driver’s age. Young adults often face even stricter law than adults when it comes to drunk driving. If you are under the age of 21, you do not need to have a blood alcohol level of 0.08 in order to be charged with and convicted of a DUI in Illinois. You could be convicted if you have had even one alcoholic beverage. Getting a DUI while you are underage can close doors in your future. You may not be accepted to a college you otherwise would have been able to go to. You may face discipline at your college or high school in addition to the legal consequences. If you are arrested for underage DUI in Illinois, it is critical to be represented by a skilled attorney. There is a lot at stake.
Important Facts About Underage DUI
Underage possession of alcohol is a crime in and of itself in Illinois. However, if you are going to drink it is important to arrange a safe ride home. Facts about underage drunk driving you should know include:
Crashes are a leading cause of death for teenagers. About six teenagers die in car accidents every day. Many of these accidents involve alcohol.
The penalties are serious. You will very likely lose your driving privileges right after your arrest, and it could be up to two years before you can get your license back. You could be sent to jail for up to a year and fined up to $2,500.
Aggravated DUI is a felony. Your DUI could be considered a felony if you seriously injured someone or caused a death. This is a sadly common result of teenage drunk driving accidents.
Marijuana use before driving can also lead to DUI charges. Although marijuana is legal in Illinois, those under 21 years old are restricted from using it. Police officers are trained to detect when a person is under the influence of cannabis.
Any trace of alcohol in your system is enough to get you convicted of a DUI if you are underage. You do not need to actually be drunk.
Above all, drunk driving is dangerous. Teenagers are at high risk for causing a fatal car accident when they are under the influence.
Contact a Will County Underage DUI Attorney
[[title]] is skilled in defending young adults charged with DUI. Our experienced Joliet DUI lawyers will fight for you and your future. For a complimentary consultation, please contact us at [[phone]].