Glen Ellyn Business LawyerYour business will need legal help at various points. There are certain issues that you should not try to handle on your own. However, you may not have the budget to hire an attorney. An Illinois outsourced general counsel can work with your business on an ongoing basis and provide you with legal advice in numerous areas.

Staff Attorneys Can Be Costly

When you have a growing business, you may not have the resources to build your own in-house legal function. Not only do you have to pay an attorney’s salary, but you would also need to spend tens of thousands of dollars for employee benefits. You may simply not have the money. Still, your need for legal help does not go away. Outsourced general counsel allows you to get legal services while only paying for what you need.

You Can Work with the Same Attorney

It is always helpful to work with the same attorney. This lawyer will get to know you and your business. They will not need to take the time to start from scratch, costing you more money and effort. An outsourced general counsel is familiar with your legal issues and business aims. They know you, and they can tailor their legal advice to your business. They will be the legal point of contact for your company.

An Outsourced General Counsel Is Ready to Help You

When you hire an outside general counsel, they are already available whenever you need them. You do not have to hire a new attorney for a legal issue, taking the time to find and get to trust another lawyer. Any time a legal issue comes up, you can go directly to your general counsel. They are like a member of your team, even if they are not an employee of your company.

Outsourced General Counsel Can Help You Build Your Legal Function

There may come a time when you need to hire a full-time attorney. Hopefully, your business will grow to that point. Your outside general counsel can help you build the infrastructure that you must have in place to expand your in-house legal capabilities. They will provide advice, not only on specific legal issues, but also on what you may need to support a legal function internally.

Contact a DuPage County Outside General Counsel Today

The experienced Glen Ellyn business attorneys at [[title]] can work closely with your company as your partner when you grow. We take the time to understand your company, so we can provide the most effective legal advice. You can call us today at [[phone]] or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.



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