Although the terms “driver’s license suspension” and “driver’s license revocation” are sometimes used interchangeably in casual conversation, these are two completely different situations. If your driver’s license is suspended, you will wait until the suspension is over, pay a moderate fine, and regain your driving privileges.
If your driver’s license is revoked, you will have to take several additional steps to regain your driving privileges and get back on the road legally. Depending on why your driver’s license was revoked, you will need to attend either an informal Secretary of State hearing or a formal Secretary of State hearing.
In this blog, we will discuss formal driver’s license reinstatement hearings, what you can expect during a formal hearing, and how a lawyer can help you maximize your chances of license reinstatement.
What Happens at A Formal Hearing For Driver’s License Reinstatement In Illinois?
A formal driver’s license reinstatement hearing must be scheduled in advance at one of the Secretary of State offices throughout Illinois. The hearing is conducted similarly to a court trial. Make sure to arrive on time, dress appropriately, and speak with respect and professionalism.
At the hearing, you will be expected to demonstrate that you have met all of the Secretary of State requirements for license reinstatement. The requirements vary from case to case depending on the driver’s criminal record, alcohol dependency risk classification, and reasons for revocation. You may be required to complete a DUI risk education class, complete alcohol or drug treatment, participate in an early intervention program, and/or participate in a continuing care program. The hearing officer will want to see proof that you have completed all of the requirements.
You will also be asked a series of questions designed to determine whether you will re-offend. The hearing officer may ask you about the steps you have taken to avoid intoxicated driving in the future, how you have changed your relationship with drugs or alcohol, or what you have learned from losing your driver’s license.
How Can a Lawyer Help Me Get My License Back?
An experienced driver’s license reinstatement lawyer will understand what the hearing officer is looking for during a formal driver’s license reinstatement hearing. Your lawyer can help you understand all of the requirements you must meet to get your license back and help you prepare for the hearing. This preparation may include practicing your answers to questions, gathering documentation of the steps you have taken to avoid reoffending, and advising you on your rights and responsibilities.
Contact Our Joliet Driver’s License Reinstatement Lawyer
At [[title]], we understand that a formal driver’s license reinstatement hearing can be confusing and intimidating. Our Joliet DUI defense attorneys can help you prepare for your hearing and maximize your chances of getting your license back. Call our office at [[phone]] for a free initial consultation to learn more about our services.