Saturday, June 17, 2023

Harvard morgue manager, others charged in theft and sale of human body parts

Estate planningCedric Lodge, the former manager at the Harvard Medical School morgue, has been indicted in the theft and sale of human body parts for his role in stealing portions of dissected cadavers that were donated to the school between 2018 and early 2023 for education and research purposes.

The body parts, which included heads, brains, skin, and bones, were taken without the school’s knowledge or permission. The indictment charges Mr. Lodge, his wife, and three others with conspiracy and interstate transport of stolen goods.

For more information see Angela Giuffrida “Harvard morgue manager, others charged in theft and sale of human body parts” VA Lawyers Weekly, June 16, 2023.

Special thanks to Deborah Matthews (Virginia Estate Planning Attorney) for bringing this article to my attention.

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