Elk Grove Village Defective Product Injury AttorneyIn January of last year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission sued a company that manufactured infant beds, loungers, and other products due to the suffocation hazard posed by some of the products. Tragically, two infants passed away before action was taken to prohibit the company from selling more of the dangerous products.

Recalls of baby products, including toys, cribs, beds, and strollers, are surprisingly common – and for good reason. Infants are extremely fragile, and even a seemingly minor hazard can lead to catastrophic or deadly consequences.

If your baby was injured or killed and you suspect that a dangerous product is to blame, it is important to understand your legal rights. Companies that design, manufacture, or distribute unreasonably dangerous products can be held legally accountable through a product liability claim.

The injured party, or in this case, the parents of the injured party, may be entitled to financial compensation for damages such as medical and funeral expenses. Even more importantly, filing a claim against a company that negligently created or sold dangerous products holds the company accountable and prevents other families from experiencing the devastation caused by dangerous products.

Basics of Product Liability in Illinois

A defective product is one that poses an unreasonable risk of injury to users of the product. While all product manufacturers and designers are expected to ensure their products are safe, the issue of safety is especially crucial for infant products.

Liability for a defective or dangerous product often falls to the company that manufactured the product. The product may have been defective in design, or mistakes during the manufacturing process may have led to dangerous defects. In some cases, the company that sold or distributed a product may be liable for damages.

Financial Compensation for Damages

Damages is the legal term for the losses caused by an injury or death. Of course, all the money in the world could not compensate for the death of an innocent child. However, monetary damages are the main legal remedy available to victims of dangerous products.

Financial compensation in a product liability case often includes compensation for:

  • Hospital bills and other medical expenses

  • Pain and suffering

  • Lost income

  • Lost quality of life

  • Funeral and burial expenses

Contact Our Cook County Product Liability Attorneys

If you believe that your child may have been harmed by a defective product, our Elmhurst product liability lawyers can help you take legal action against the responsible party. Call her office today at [[phone]] to set up a free initial consultation. If we determine that you have a valid claim against a product manufacturer or other party, we will fight aggressively to seek justice on your child’s behalf.




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