This month’s Business Bytes highlights questionable confidentiality agreements, abortion expense benefits and disposing of old computers and hard drives. 

Questionable Confidentiality Agreements.  While confidentiality agreements or NDA’s are a useful tool for the protection of your business, overreaching or using them to prevent or inhibit criminal or regulatory investigations can cause problems. READ MORE.

Abortion Expense Benefits.  While many high-profile companies announced that they will pay benefits for employees to travel to states where abortion is legal to obtain reproductive services, the costs, benefits and potential liabilities of this policy are unknown. While these large companies may be the initial targets of criminal and civil enforcement actions and penalties imposed by their home states, your business could be at risk too. READ MORE.

Don’t Trash Computers. A recent case highlighted the need to properly dispose of old computers and hard drives, and not put them in the trash. As they may contain protected personal private information (PPI) or confidential, proprietary or trade secret data, care in disposal is warranted. READ MORE.

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