Chicago is the house for millions of residents and is equally the most traffic-oriented location. Rush hours during peak time is quite a common scene here. It also invites accidents. There are many different ways for car accidents to happen in Chicago. Regrettably, many of these accidents are brought on by other drivers’ irresponsible or negligent behavior. But, individuals responsible for keeping the roads safe from accidents may sometimes act carelessly. This article presents you with some brief about car accidents in Chicago and essential precautions to take for preventing disaster. If you or any of your loved ones are facing a car accident in Chicago, Phillips Law Office is at your service. Our team will help you in getting the claim settled as a victim of a car accident in Chicago.

Brief Stats on Car Accidents in Chicago

According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, in 2022, there were around 1,151 car accidents in Illinois, with almost 400 in Chicago/Cook County alone. Chicago is a crowded city, so car accidents are a fact for locals and tourists alike. These accidents can happen in many different ways, but the careless or irresponsible behaviour of other drivers brings on most of them.

Reasons behind Increasing Car Accidents in Chicago

Distracted in Driving

The issue of distracted driving is the main reason behind car accidents. Yet, Chicago residents and visitors are especially linked regarding their mobile devices. Mobile phones have long been a major source of interruptions, and the issue is worsening. Drivers who are distracted on the road endanger not just themselves but also pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and anybody else around.

Drug and Alcohol Consumption

Since many years ago, Illinois and Chicago have seen a significant increase in road fatalities due to alcohol and drug impairment. According to Illinois DOT records, more than 1,000 drunk driving cases occur yearly.


In Chicago, speeding is a major factor in accidents that result in injuries. The city’s congestion does not function well with drivers who are in a hurry. Because pedestrians and cyclists are regarded as vulnerable road users, speeding negatively impacts the likelihood of an injury due to speeding cars.

Violent Driving

Sure, people do become angry while driving. To every one of us, that occurs. Serious injuries can, however, result when people vent their fury on the road. Any aggressive driving can hurt people who are on the roadway as well as those who are on it.

Be it for any reason, if you are the victim of a car accident, calling Phillips Law Office to hire a car accident lawyer is the best. The attorney will work with you to help you settle the claim.

What are the types of Car Accidents in Chicago?

Car Accident chicago

Various types of auto accidents take place on Chicago roads. A person may be involved in a head-on or side-impact incident on the road. Only one car is involved in certain accidents. Yet, rear-end collisions are the most typical kind of car accident. Annually, there are about 1.7 million rear-end collisions.

Rear-end Collisions

It is the most frequent kind of car collision that occurs in various contexts. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that over 40% of incidents in the United States during the past few years involved a rear-end collision.

Rear-end collision is when an automobile collides with the vehicle in front of it. Yet, accidents frequently happen in congested, stop-and-go traffic, such as during rush hour. The rear car’s front and back are frequently severely damaged in rear-end collisions, in addition to the vehicle’s rear. In this type of car accident, the driver and passenger are prone to get injured.

“T-Bone” side-impact collisions

One car fails to stop at the intersection when it should be far too frequently. A second car may be approaching a vehicle that has run a stop sign or a stop signal perpendicularly. The vehicle of the careless driver could be sideswiped by the vehicle with the right-of-way. Otherwise, the careless driver can hit the side of the opposing vehicle. A side impact or “T-Bone” accident occurs when one vehicle collides with the other at a 90-degree angle. One of the most frequent forms of accidents in the United States, side impact collisions result in an unacceptably high number of grave injuries. The drivers and passengers are frequently well-protected by head-on, rear-end, or side-angle collision safety features.

Locations where Car Accidents in Chicago happen.

There are different locations in Chicago where car accidents can happen. Some of these are-


Chicago is a city where car accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. Yet, some places tend to have more instances than others. For instance, many collisions occur at junctions or intersections every year. They account for 50% of accidents resulting in deaths and injuries. The majority of injuries occur as a result of driver error. A driver might make a premature left turn or run a red light.


Highways are quite a common location where car accidents occur. Seven major and four auxiliary highways, including I-190, are in Chicago. Collisions are more likely to occur here because it is a major transportation hub. One of the contributing factors may be the increase in traffic.

Areas of Construction

It’s possible that a section of the city’s roadway is being renovated or repaired. The road may need to be broken up or removed in some places by the construction team. As a result, drivers are more likely to swerve or experience technical problems. Debris from construction projects is common.

One could damage their tyres if the debris escapes the work zone. An unexpected tyre blowout could lead a driver to veer off the road or collide with another vehicle. The building crew can be responsible for damages because of possible negligence.

Parking Lots

Another frequent location for automobile accidents happening in Chicago is parking lots. Many cars and people congregate in one area to visit shops or restaurants. Despite the low-speed restriction, some drivers flout traffic laws. They can swerve to a vacant space rather than yield to the right of way.

What claims can Car Accident Lawyers help to cover?

When you hire a Phillips Law Office attorney for car accidents in Chicago, there are different damages you can claim like-

Special Damages

After an automobile accident, victims have the right to seek a claim for special damages. The financial losses a person endures due to negligence are called special damages. Usually, the victim’s medical debt is covered by the compensation.

Invoices may include charges for prescription drugs, hospital stays, operations, and medical supplies. The court may also grant compensation for future medical expenses. Long-term care and time away from work may be necessary for severe injuries.

General Injury

The claim also covers non-economic losses, in addition to financial ones. General damages compensate you for the emotional and mental suffering. Examples include mental anguish, scars, and disfigurement. The type of accident may affect the general damages you can recover in a settlement.

Punitive Damages

A third category of damages claims settlement covers is the punitive damages due to a car accident. Punitive damages hold the defendant accountable for willful misconduct or careless neglect. The intention is to discourage negligent drivers from taking such measures in the future. Punitive damages are rarely awarded to individuals.

Hiring Expert Car Accident Lawyers in Chicago

A car accident can happen anytime or in any form, so it is better to contact an expert car accident attorney. If you need assistance to get the claim process done, Phillips Law Office in Illinois will help you get justice. We are accomplished lawyers who give every client our all-out effort.

Please consult us for free to get a complete idea about Chicago’s car accident claim process.

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The post Where do car accidents most occur in Chicago? appeared first on Phillips Law Offices.