Loved One DiesWhen a relative is ill or nearing the end of their life, family, friends, and caregivers must be prepared. It means knowing what to do before and upon their passing.

An end-of-life plan is essential when making decisions for loved ones who can no longer do so for themselves. While the death of a loved one will always be difficult, end-of-life arrangements can make their passing a less stressful experience.

Creating a checklist of what to do when a loved one dies may also prove helpful and make it easier for family and friends to work together.

Immediately After Death

After a loved one dies, several things require immediate attention.

  1. Have the death legally pronounced by a doctor if in a hospital or if one is present. If a loved one dies at home, the death should be announced by a hospice nurse if the person is a hospice patient. The deceased’s family should call the hospice nurse immediately when the person expires. If the individual is not under hospice care but dies at home, call 911. The police will arrive to ensure it is not a wrongful death, and CPR will be administered until the paramedics arrive. When the paramedics arrive, if there is no do-not-resuscitate order, the individual will be taken to the emergency room, where a doctor can legally pronounce the person dead. The paramedics may have the authority to announce death upon arrival where permitted.
  2. Make arrangements for the transportation of your loved one’s body. If no autopsy arrangements are needed, the funeral home or crematorium may do so.
  3. Contact the county coroner immediately after the loved one dies.
  4. Notify their physician about the death.
  5. Call family members about the death. Ask them to help contact other family and friends about the death.
  6. Make arrangements for the care of pets after their owner’s death if the deceased did not arrange this.
  7. If employed, the deceased’s employers must be contacted, and information about pay, life insurance, and other benefits should be gathered.

What to Do When a Loved One Dies In the First Few Days

  1. Check for an existing burial plan or if there are pre-paid arrangements. If none exist, make burial or cremation arrangements.
  2. Write an obituary. If help is needed, ask for help from the funeral director.
  3. Contact any organization the individual may have participated in for funeral or burial benefits. This includes military or religious affiliations.
  4. Make arrangements for the care of the individual’s home. These arrangements should include things such as picking up mail and watering plants. Notify neighbors and even police that the house is vacant so they are aware of suspicious activity should it occur.

Things to Do in Up to Ten Days: Taking Inventory of All Assets

  1. Get several copies of the death certificate through the funeral home or the state’s Vital Statistics office. Agencies such as the Social Security Administration and insurance companies will need multiple copies for taxes.
  2. Take the will to the appropriate location so that it may be entered into probate.
  3. Consider opening a bank account for the deceased’s estate, which will need to be done by the estate’s executor.
  4. The following organizations or individuals will also need to be contacted regarding the death:
    • The post office, to have the deceased’s mail forwarded or stopped altogether
    • The Department of Motor Vehicles, to ensure the cancellation of the driver’s license
    • Agencies that provide benefit payments, such as Veterans Affairs or Social Security, Advise these agencies of the death so they may stop payments. One should also ask about survivor benefits, if any.
    • If applicable, the agency responsible for the individual’s pension, to file a claim and stop payments
    • A tax preparer to figure out what to do about the deceased’s final tax filings and estate taxes
    • Financial institutions, for access to safe deposit boxes and other accounts
    • The life insurance company to file a claim

Familiarize Yourself With a Person’s Wishes in Advance

Many people cannot express their wishes or communicate easily before their death! So, it’s essential to gather as much information as possible. This is the ideal way to ensure that everything will be handled as efficiently as possible when a loved one dies.

Whenever possible, one should find out the following:

  • If they have signed up as an organ donor
  • What their wishes are for their funeral. Ask if they prefer burial or cremation and what services they’d like.
  • Where essential documents are kept, including their will, financial records, and marriage or birth certificates, one should also gain access to essential keys.
  • If they complete an advance directive such as a living will or designate a healthcare proxy. If the individual cannot, this person would be responsible for making health-related decisions.
  • If the individual does or does not want to be resuscitated, should they stop breathing or their heart stops? If they do not wish to be resuscitated, they will need a DNR order drawn up. Copies of this must be given to the individual’s doctor and a family member who can take it to the hospital in an emergency.

How to Make Peace With the Death of a Loved One

Sometimes, a loved one dies prematurely due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act. When this occurs, hiring a reputable wrongful death attorney to handle the legal procedures of holding all responsible parties accountable is advisable.
