If you compare the number of car accidents, Illinois has fewer boat accident cases. As per the Illinois Recreational Boating report record, in 2020, there were 81 reportable boating incidents, up from 79 in 2019. Moreover, 36 boat-related injuries were reported in 2020, fewer than in 2019. Since lakes in Illinois are becoming tourists spot, boating activities are on the rise. You will get to know about what is the Cause of most Fatal Boating Accidents in this blog.
Most boating accidents are caused by operator negligence, including drunk boating, fast driving, lack of attention, and other types of operator negligence. Some boating accidents are brought on by unfavorable weather, while other times, a flaw in the boat or its equipment is to blame. Drowning is the primary cause of death in Illinois boating accidents, and 12 of the 14 victims were not wearing life jackets. Also, studies demonstrate that inadequate safety teaching among boaters increases the likelihood of deadly boat crashes.
You are entitled to financial compensation for your medical costs, pain and suffering, and other losses if a careless boat driver hurt you. You are entitled to get compensation from the careless party. To determine if you have a case for a personal injury claim or negligence lawsuit, speak with the personal injury lawyers at Phillips Law Office in Illinois.
What causes Fatal Boat Accidents in Illinois?

Collisions with other boats or fixed objects are the main reason for boating accidents’ fatalities. 75% of boating accident victims who died in incidents were due to drowning, and 85% of these fatalities were not donning a life jacket. If the boat operator isn’t attentive or trained well, there is a high chance of facing a collision, capsized boat, or other disasters in which someone is hurt or loses their life may occur. You may be entitled to compensation if you are hurt or lose a loved one due to one of the common causes of boating accidents.
Several of the main reasons for fatal boat accidents include:
Alcohol Intoxication
One of the main factors contributing to fatal boating accidents has always been intoxication with alcohol. An inebriated operator has a lower likelihood of controlling a watercraft correctly and is far less able to respond quickly to dangers. The same is true for drivers who are impaired by illicit drugs.
Absence of knowledge or instruction
No matter the size, operating a boat is not simple. Due to their lack of experience, someone without the right boat training causes an accident.
Faulty machinery
All kinds of watercraft must be properly maintained to stay secure and functional. Due to its potential to malfunction, defective equipment is a primary contributor to boating accidents. In the worst scenarios, defective machinery can result in explosions, flames, or capsizes, even with the slightest collision with another object.
Lack of Attention
Due to carelessness by boat operators, some boaters lose their lives. Unfortunately, many boaters believe that a boat may be left unattended despite the fact that boats are not designed to drive themselves.
Types of Boat Accidents
There are different types of boat accidents in Illinois one can face. Some of these are-
Fires or explosions
Many boats carry spark-protected mechanical systems and double-clamped fuel lines, so explosions are likely. Therefore, before operating a boat, checking for gasoline smells and spills is essential.
Falling Overboard
In Illinois, falling off a boat and not wearing a life jacket frequently cause drowning. A collision, a huge wave, or simple intoxication are all potential causes of a passenger or operator falling off a boat. A person tossed overboard has a high risk of drowning, being hit by the boat, and getting hurt or killed.
A boat can capsize for various reasons, including loose through-hulls, instability, poor weather, and damage. If passengers aren’t wearing any life jackets, there is a high chance of death or injury by drowning.
Running Aground
When a ship contacts the seafloor, a port, or a waterway side, it grounds or runs aground. Sometimes it’s done on purpose. But it frequently happens by accident on leisure boats.
Seeking Compensation for Boat Fatal Accident in Chicago, Illinois

The main factors in most boating accidents are human mistakes, poor boat maintenance, or defective boats. You might be entitled to file a lawsuit if any of these circumstances contributed to an accident that wounded you or claimed the life of a loved one. Here are a few things to know while filing a case:
The boat driver who caused the collision must have been careless in the first place. You won’t be able to hold them accountable for your injuries if it was their fault.
Second, according to the law, the plaintiff must be hurt, resulting in damages. These can include a wide range of material and immaterial things, including suffering, medical costs, and property damage. For them to be successful in court, you must argue and provide evidence.
In this scenario, the defendant acted negligently to lead the damage. You must present that the injured person was at fault. If not, they can claim that someone else was in charge.
Following any of these scenarios, you can get assistance from Phillips Law Office and hire the best boat accident lawyer in Chicago. If there are any prospective defendants in a boating accident case, we can identify them.
If you win the case, you may be able to collect money for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical costs, and other damages. Families of those who perished in the watercraft accident may file a wrongful death lawsuit.
Get Legal Assistance from Phillips Law Office for Boat Accident
It is quite upsetting when a person faces an accident or loses someone close due to a boat accident. There are many things you may go through. To concentrate on what matters most – healing and getting back to your life – you need a competent and experienced attorney who can do the talking and ensure you get justice. I hope this blog makes you understand what is the Cause of most Fatal Boating Accidents.
The experienced team of boat accident lawyers at Phillips Law Office is happy to share their many years of experience in resolving cases like yours. We are here to help you at every stage of the process and are available around the clock. Call us right now to get a free consultation and learn how we can begin working on your case right away.
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The post What is the Cause of most Fatal Boating Accidents? appeared first on Phillips Law Offices.