Peoria Personal Injury LawyerThe men and women who keep our roadways working safely and efficiently perform an essential duty. Unfortunately, these workers are also at risk for a wide variety of job-related injuries. If you or a loved one were hurt in an accident while working on a road or highway, you may be able to take legal action and recover monetary damages. Depending on the type of worker and the circumstances of the accident, an injured road worker may be covered by workers’ compensation. However, it may also be possible to recover compensation through a personal injury claim.

Third-Party Liability for Injured Road Construction Workers

In Illinois, workers’ compensation insurance is required for businesses with one or more employees. If an injured worker is an employee who was hurt on the job, he or she may be able to recover compensation for medical bills and part of their lost income through workers’ compensation.

However, if a worker is a contractor, he or she may not have workers’ compensation coverage. Fortunately, there is another option. If a third party causes a highway worker’s injuries, that party may be liable for damages. Common examples of third-party liability include defective road repair equipment, unsafe driving by other motorists, and improper maintenance or construction of the work site. The liable party may be a driver, the manufacturer or designer of defective equipment, a government entity, or any other party whose negligence caused the accident.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Unlike workers’ compensation claims, personal injury claims are fault-based. This means that an injured person must prove that another party’s negligent or illegal actions caused the injury. This can be a challenging task, especially if the other party is denying fault for the accident.

If you were hurt in an accident while working on a roadway, it’s important to take steps to protect your rights. An experienced personal injury attorney can review the details of your accident, determine who is liable for your injuries, gather evidence to prove fault, and help you seek full compensation for your damages.

Damages to which you may be entitled include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more. An experienced attorney can determine the value of your claim and fight for the settlement you deserve.

Contact a Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer for Injured Highway Workers

Our Champaign personal injury attorneys are highly experienced in car accident cases, workers’ compensation cases, defective product cases, and much more. We can help you take legal action after a work injury. Call [[phone]] for a free consultation.



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