Joliet dog bite injury lawyersDogs are amongst the most beloved pets in our society. There is something about those four-legged furry companions that make our hearts burst with joy whenever we come across them. However, while dogs are domesticated and are largely friendly animals, they can still be prone to biting or becoming aggressive at a moment’s notice. This can create an awkward scenario. What should you do if you pet someone else’s dog and the dog bites you? 

Today, we will talk about some essential considerations if a dog ever bites you. You may be glad to learn that you have options if someone else’s dog bites you. If you have sustained injuries related to a dog bite, consider contacting a personal injury attorney who has worked with dog biting cases before and can work with you to advocate for your rights and pursue a favorable case outcome and the compensation you may be entitled to. 

Recovering Damages for a Dog Bite

When someone else’s dog bites you and causes you bodily harm, the owner of that dog may attempt to deny any responsibility related to the attack. Illinois law regarding dog bites follows what is known as “strict liability,” which means that a dog’s owner is responsible for any injuries the dog causes as long as you were somewhere you were permitted to be and you did not provoke the dog.

Therefore, disclaiming liability means that the owner may try to claim that you were trespassing when the dog bit you or that you somehow provoked the dog to bite. Luckily, according to the Illinois Animal Control Act, in cases where someone is bitten by a dog and that person was not trespassing and did not provoke the dog, the owner of that dog will likely be liable and responsible for the total amount of the injuries you have sustained. 

It is likely that the injuries caused by someone else’s dog biting you are usually covered under that person’s homeowner’s insurance policy in the category of personal liability coverage. This means that you may need to negotiate with the insurance company to settle the claim. In cases where the damages caused by the dog bite are higher than the personal liability coverage limit, the dog owner may be responsible for paying the remainder. Notably, Illinois does not cap personal injury damages involving a dog bite. Furthermore, in Illinois, as long as you were conducting yourself lawfully and peacefully when you were bitten, the dog owner will be liable in situations where their dog bites someone and causes injury. 

Contact a Will County Dog Bite Attorney

Do not feel like you do not have any options if someone else’s dog has bitten you. Contact the knowledgeable Joliet dog bite lawyers with [[title]]. Call [[phone]] for a free consultation.



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