Saturday, February 4, 2023
Vermont man accused of shooting WWII hero grandfather, murdering mom at sea demands grand jury minutes
Nathan Carman, who is facing federal charges for allegedly killing his mother, Linda Carman, during a fishing trip to obtain the family fortune, is demanding grand jury minutes according to the latest court filing. Carman is also accused of killing his grandfather, John Chakalos, in 2013 as part of a scheme to claim money from the family trust. At this time, he has not been charged with any crimes related to his grandfather’s death.
A demand for grand jury minutes is rare due to the secret nature of grand jury proceedings. A federal judge has given prosecutors a week to respond to the request.
For more information see Michael Ruiz “Vernont man accused of shooting WWII hero grandfather, murdering mom at sea demands grand jury minutes”, Fox News, January 30, 2023.
Special thanks to Jery Martin Jr. (Student at University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law) for bringing this article to my attention.
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