arlington heights criminal defense lawyerEvery day, people are arrested and charged with criminal acts. Depending on what type of crime you are charged with allegedly committing, your biggest worry may not even be the legal consequences you will face if you are convicted of the crime. For some people, their greatest fear is how being charged with a crime may disrupt or irrevocably alter their personal and professional lives. Beyond the punishment handed down by the court, the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction can impact many aspects of an individual’s life. Today, we will examine how being charged with a crime can dramatically alter your life, from affecting your ability to get a job, to housing, educational opportunities, and more. 

The first step in fighting a criminal charge is to hire an attorney. If you have been charged with a crime, consider contacting an experienced criminal defense attorney to understand your rights and best legal options. 

How Will a Conviction Impact My Life? 

It is well known that, depending on what crime you are convicted of, you may be looking at jail time, fines, or some version of both. Or, in some cases, you may not be looking at jail time but probation. Whatever the case, many people fear how a conviction will affect their personal and professional lives. Here are some ways a criminal conviction may affect a person:

  • Employment – Besides prison, this is arguably one of the most detrimental effects of a criminal conviction. A criminal record can make it nearly impossible to get or keep a job, especially if you were convicted of a violent offense or sex crime. 

  • Housing – A criminal conviction can make it exceedingly difficult to find a place to live. Landlords may refuse to rent to individuals with criminal records. 

  • Education – Students with criminal records may be ineligible for financial aid, scholarships, or other forms of assistance. A criminal record may also make it difficult to be accepted into specific academic programs. 

  • Curtailed civil rights – If you have been convicted of a felony, you may be unable to serve on a jury, vote, or own a firearm. 

  • Family and relationships – People with criminal records may face increased scrutiny from child protective services, which may result in losing custody of their children. They may also face difficulties forming new relationships or maintaining existing ones, as some may be hesitant to associate with someone convicted of a crime. 

Contact an Arlington Heights, IL Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with a crime, contact a knowledgeable Rolling Meadows, IL, criminal defense lawyer with Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law. Call 847-253-3400 for a free consultation.

